Education & Programs (LMS)

 Documentation | Education

Mition's built in Education module allows your organisation to offer simple courses all the way up to tracking a multi-year medical degree, one or two or 3 year CPD programs, issue certificates automatically, automate points calculation and collection and leave some more important user activities to be manually approved. The LMS can be used for tracking any user based activity from HR onboarding to medical specialists & CPD.

Create an infinite number of programs, create as many steps as is necessary, with as many rules to be met as required and allocate to any number of members or users. Create webpages to guide users through the requirements and use the built in tools to track users progress, users can also track their own progress, manually add activities and attach evidence. Staff are able to allocate activities automatically when a user attends an event.

Mition can be used as an LMS and host 3rd party courses such as xAPI (Articulate Rise 360) or HTML/SCORM courses or create webpages with activities that automate as users move through webpages.

Creating Programs

In Admin settings, create a Program. Create a Step and add a Rule to it.

A rule could be to complete 5 hours in "Self Learning", setup these generic or specific activities in Activity Admin at this point, then select those in the Step builder.

Next add some Users to the Program. Ideally ensure the Program is setup in your portal with all steps and rules prior to adding users. Assign yourself to the Program to test it, going through the steps expected of participants to make sure it flows well. 

In My Settings > Programs you can see any activities you are in and your progress. Create webpages with easy to track steps for members so they know where they can find online activities and the definition of the rules and steps in the program, even creating links to these activities for reference.

The web page components. As with all mition portals, the built in webpage editor makes it easy to create private and public content, with the Education module there are some great web components to help make adding user activities to complete programs automated.

Program Activity (Auto completion) add to any page, when a user views this page it will add activity to their account, great to use at the end of web based training.

Course use HTML or xAPI courses to display the activities to users. If xAPI then it tracks the users progress/score (see xAPI setup later on this page), if using HTML or SCORM, the user activity is registered when they launch the course, the Mition portal will not track progress or score.

Events by adding an activity to an Event, when a staff member marks a user as "attended" in the Attendee list, the system will automatically add this activity to their file. Your team can also use the Bulk action tool in Members Search and Event Attendee to bulk allocate an activity too!

Automating Courses

Courses & Quiz using xAPI (TinCan) / Articulate Rise 360. If your organisation has an Articulate Rise 360 license or wish to purchase one (costing around >$1700pp annually) create very immersive and complex courses. If using a 3rd party to create your courses and your mition portal is hosting the courses, there is no need to purchase the software. The Mition team can provide you some sample courses. 

Mition fully supports xAPI (TinCan) / Articulate Rise 360 courses. Track progress and the courses will bookmark where the users is up to, when they resume the course weeks later or they resume on a different device, it will remember exactly where they are up to.

How to set it up.

Use the Web Component “Course” to add a course to any page, it requires:

Course Source File (zip)
This is the Articulate Rise 360 xAPI file. Upload the file to a Document Library. The first time you press START on a course it will check if this course has been setup yet, if not it will unzip the course on the server. This can take 1-5 seconds for a 5MB file or up to 50 seconds for a 500MB file or more. 

Program Activity (Optional)
To record the activity for this user select one of these options;  activity can be set to “requires approval” in which case the users activity will not be approved automatically, it will be pending approval and will show you the evidence of what the user has completed.
Points Override (Optional)
Override the points allocated for this user activity, by default it will set 1 point.

Course Name & Description
These will appear on this webpart, also the name will appear in the evidence for the users activity and will be displayed to the user.

Course Format

xAPI (you must set this to xAPI to use autocomplete rules)

Firstly when exporting the course as xAPI, select if you are tracking using course completion OR track using quiz result. 

Tracking using course completion

Export your xAPI course, set the course completion level, when the xAPI course detects that the user has reached that level of progress (regardless of quiz), it will send a Complete event. We recommend you set this to 100, requiring the user to click to the last slide in the course.

Tracking using quiz

The Articulate Rise 360 sets the default pass mark to 80 as does Mition, if wanting to amend pass mark, set the activity to not auto approve and verify the final score before approving the users activity. 

If the user does not score higher than 80 and the user completes the activity, then the activity is marked as complete, but the pass result as failed. 

The result captures the start and finish time, the total duration in minutes/seconds as captured across multiple sessions and can track the progress and score, even if not complete.

Users can resume, restart courses, if the restart it will create a new xAPI evidence against the existing Activity, and be able to see each attempt as a separate record, if you do not allow users to sit a quiz twice or within a timeframe, manage manually by setting the activity to not auto approve, this way your team can review the evidence before marking the activity as approved.

Example Mition Articulate Rise 360 Course

SCORM 1.2 and 2004 Format.

Mition supports v1.2 and 2004 format SCORM zip files. It will record a User Activity (not approved automatically) when the user first launches the course and their progress at this stage as a basic implementation. Future revisions to include bookmarking and completion can be added in future, just not implemented at this stage.


Adding a new member

We recommend that everyone of your members/staff have at least one of these inbuilt roles, as they have sufficient access to access most modules, users can be attached to multiple roles. Create other roles with limited access like this ...

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