For the technical staff; mition is built entirely from API's, there is nothing you can't do via APIs. The backend APIs are also only visible to users who are authenticated.

The API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of functions that allows your IT team (or ours) to read and edit all information stored within your Mition database.

As Mition itself is a front end web application, it uses all API's already to deliver the functionality you see and use in your portal. For this reason we can state "everything" is available via API.

The API requires a user to be authenticated to to access the API and specifically that user needs to be in a group that has access to the specific controller that is being called.

A good example is if you wanted to create your own website (not inside of Mition) using your mition system to authenticate the users and store the users core details. Add calls from your website to your mition API and authenticate the user and even update their details, the user would have access to the mition system. If you wanted a user to be able to add a webpage, you'd need to ensure that the user has the same access in your mition site.

We have created a really nice feature to expose all of the API's and our team uses this same technology to build our system. If you would like more examples please contact us.


Document Library

The document library was built to manage the internal and external documents that organisations require to run. A single place of truth for company IP to be safely held. Create libraries for different use, control who has access and the...

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